今天养殖艺技术网的小编给各位分享havebe有什么区别的养殖知识,其中也会对there will be(there will be翻译)进行专业解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!
there will be,there will have,there is going to be,there is going to have这四个区别麻烦讲解一下,四个里有对的有错的,解释一下?
there is going to have表达上有重复,there is就是有的意思,而后面的have也是有的意思。第一中表达没有问题,therer is going to be表示将要有......
比如There is going to be a basketball game on TV this evening.今天晚上将转播一场篮球比赛。
there is going to be(将会有)=there will be是there be 句型的将来时结构.而there is going to have则是错误的表达法,在选择题中属于干扰选项,可以马上排除
be confident of和be confident in有什么区别?
be confident of和be confident in的区别
be confident of 対有信心是一个形容词短語;have confidence in 有信心是一个名词短语,两者词性不同,应用也不同。
1.be confident of 大意为:对做什么事情有信心/确信干什么事
I have every reason to be confident of our victory.我有充分的理由坚信胜利胜利是属于我们的。
As long as that popularity lasts, Mr Kirchner can be confident of outpointing Mr Duhalde. 只要这种声望持续下去,基什内尔就可以自信地指出杜哈德。
2.be confident in 大意为:对某人有信心
Be confident in your judgment and believe in yourself to get things right.我们要对自己的判断有信心,相信自己能把事情做好。
So I would be confident in predicting that this will turn out to be the problem. 所以我可以很自信地预测,这将成为问题所在。