

Boeren Leidenkaas: comes from Holland. It is a traditional, farmhouse, hard cheese made from cow's milk. Its orangy-red rind is imprinted with the famous crossed-keys of the city of Leyden. The fat content is 40%.

Dutch Mimolette(Commissiekaas):This cheese looks like giant orange with rough, pitted skin. It is creamery, hard cheese made from cow's milk and it is actually a matured Edam colored with carrot juice. After five months the cheese is firm, slightly oily, with a fruity aroma and nutty flavor. When aged the color darkens to deep orange, the texture becomes hard, granular and brittle. It is fruity with a hint of orange zest. This cheese ripens in six to twelve months.

Edam:This is a pressed, semi-hard to hard cheese, made from cow's milk. It comes in a shape of ball covered with distinctive red wax. Edam is produced from skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. It is usually consumed young, when the texture is elastic and supple and the flavor is smooth, sweet and nutty. Black-wax coating means that Edam has been matured for at least 17 weeks. The cheese tastes delicious with a glass of Pinot Noir.

Friesekaas:The round-shaped creamery, hard cheese flavored with a combination of cumin and cloves. This cheese is made from cow's milk and has a natural, waxed rind. It ripens in three to twelve months.

Friesian:Spiced cheese from Friesland, a northern province of Holland. It has a hard rind and a firm texture. There are two versions: one with whole cow's milk and the other one with skim milk. This kind of cheese is very similar to Leyden. Also known as Friesian or Frisia. The cheese has a fat content according to the milk from which it is made. Whole-milk version has a fat content of about 40 per cent, while skim-milk version is maximum 20 per cent.

Gouda:Named after the Dutch town of Gouda, just outside Rotterdam. It accounts for more than 60% of the cheese produced in Holland and it has a very long history. Gouda is a traditional, creamery, hard cheese. It is round with very smooth, yellow, waxed rind. The flavor is sweet and fruity. As time passes, the taste intensifies and becomes more complex. Mature Gouda (18 months plus) is coated in black wax which provides a stark contrast to the deep yellow interior. Gouda is considered to be one of the world's great cheeses. It is both a table cheese and a dessert cheese, excellent with fruit and wine. Gouda is now made globally in a style similar to the creation of Edam.

Kernhem:This Dutch cheese is ripened for thirty days in cold, damp rooms. Kernhem is very soft and supple, with a mild taste.

Leerdammer:Boulder-shaped, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. This cheese is one of the best-known brand names for Maasdam.

Leyden:Traditional, farmhouse, hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is a boulder-shaped cheese with brushed, natural rind which is either rubbed with annatto or "painted" with red plastic. The curd is colored with annatto and mixed with cumin seeds before being pressed and washed in brine. The cumin provides an aromatic flavor that contrasts well with the creamy, nutty character of the cheese. The cheese is quite similar to Gouda but is more drier. It is named after the Dutch city of Leiden. Leyden is made by heating milk to 82 - 86 degrees F, then curdling with liquid rennet. The curd is cut into small pieces and heated to 95 - 98 degrees F. The spices are added and then the cheeses are drained of remaining whey then pressed. Leyden is cured in cellars or curing rooms. Sometimes this cheese is called Komijnekaas.

Maasdam:Modern, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is boulder-shaped cheese. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. The cheese was created in the early 1990's as an alternative to more expensive Swiss cheese Emmental. Although there are similarities with Emmental, it is higher in moisture and therefore, more supple. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses, being ready in four to 12 weeks. The flavor is sweet and buttery, with a fruity background, making it ideal for serving as a snack or breakfast cheese. It can also be grilled.

Smoked Gouda:Smoked slowly in ancient, brick ovens over smoldering hickory chip embers, this sausage shaped cheese is perfect for impromptu picnics party platters or midnight snacks. Sensational with beer, this hard cheese has an edible, brown rind and a creamy, yellow interior.


奶酪是法兰西民族的光荣。 它们品种繁多, 款式各异, 大小不一。 虽然荷兰、瑞士、丹麦等国都生产优质的奶酪, 但是吃奶酪还是应当到法国去。 法国每个地方都有自己独特的奶酪品种, 全法国有400多个品种, 堪称世界第一的奶酪王国。 奶酪中的出类拔萃者, 像出色的美酒佳酿一样, 可以取得以其产地命名的殊荣, 如布列塔尼奶酪, 普罗旺斯风味奶酪, 卡门塔尔干乡村奶酪, 罗奎福特青皮奶酪等等, 它们都散发出与众不同的馨香。 法国人有种习惯, 即吃完饭一定要品尝一块奶酪。 毫不夸张地说, 每个法国人都有这种习惯, 奶酪是他们一天也离不开的重要食品。 法国人吃奶酪喜欢空口吃, 最看不惯英国人、 德国人、美国人把奶酪放在面包上吃, 或和其他食物一起做个三明治, 他们认为那是野蛮人才吃的便宜饮食文化。 目前流通在世界各市场上的奶酪有过千种,绝大多数都是由欧盟国家出产的.而在这千种奶酪中,大约有500多种产自法国. 欧洲的奶酪种类繁多,令人目不暇接,就整体而言,可以分为8个大类: 新鲜奶酪 fresh cheese 柔皮白奶酪 white mould cheese 洗浸奶酪 washed rind cheese 山羊奶酪 goat cheese 蓝奶酪 blue cheese 半硬质奶酪 semi hard cheese 硬质奶酪 hard cheese 加工奶酪 processed cheese 新鲜奶酪 fresh cheese 质感软而幼滑,其鲜美质感可以与豆腐相比拟.这一类奶酪是完全不经熟化的过程,只须数天就酝酿而成.新鲜奶酪的储存期限很短,要尽快享用.固体的新鲜奶酪通常加于沙拉内进食,其他食法有混合果酱,蜜糖,香草或香料一起食用,甚至可以作为甜品的材料. 主要的种类有: 希腊的菲达 feta 意大利的莫扎瑞拉 mozzarella 意大利的玛斯卡波 mascarpone 意大利的丽可塔 ricotta 柔皮白奶酪 white mould cheese 质感软滑,表层铺了白徽,虽然外皮较硬,但也可以食用.可配苹果或提子进食,更可经油炸后作伴碟. 配以淡红酒味道绝佳. 主要的种类有: 法国的喀曼波特 camembert 法国的贝瑞 brie 洗浸奶酪 washed rind cheese 表面轻微坚硬,奶酪的内部柔软,粘稠醇厚.其独特的香气是由于使用盐水,白兰地或其他酒类清洗表面而产生.待其成熟,香气更迷人.搭配醇厚的红酒或干邑,口感更相得益彰.种类包括: 法国的庞利维 pont l’eveque 法国的曼斯特 munster 比利时的荷芙 herve 德国的威士拉可 weisslacker 意大利的塔雷吉欧 taleggio 山羊奶酪 goat cheese 顾名思义,这种奶酪是由山羊奶制成,味道略带酸性,口感近似果仁.而且提交比较小,形状比较多样化,多呈圆柱状或金字塔状. 有些以核桃叶包裹,可作为餐后的甜品,将之薄切于沙拉或面包上,放入烤箱加热,美味可口,可以配以干质白葡萄酒享用. 种类包括: 法国的圣摩 sainte-maure 法国的山羊奶酪 chevre 法国的哥洛亭达沙维翁 crottin de chavignol 法国的法隆塞 valencay 蓝奶酪 blue cheese 质感柔软,主要成分是牛奶或羊奶,经青微菌发酵而成,带有独特的香气,表面呈大理石花纹状,中心部分最美味.配合面包最为经典;配以蜜糖,梨子或苹果可以使奶酪味升华,亦可点缀于沙拉上,皆是至高享受.可以配以醇厚的红酒,甜白葡萄酒,啤酒或威士忌一起享用. 种类包括: 法国的洛克福 roquefort 丹麦的布里 dannblu 意大利的戈根索拉 gorgonzola 英国的蓝史蒂顿 blue stilton 德国的蓝奶酪 german blue 半硬质奶酪 semi hard cheese 比硬质奶酪质感柔软,常作为三明治切料或切成小块于海鲜一起熏醸,再配以清淡的红酒或带果味的白葡萄酒,效果俱佳. 种类包括: 荷兰的艾顿 edam 荷兰的高达 gouda 荷兰的玛士达 maasdam 荷兰的美莫勒 mimolette 丹麦的哈瓦提 havarti 硬质奶酪 hard cheese 这也是我们最常见的一种奶酪. 其质感较硬,口感略咸,有些带有气孔, 这是热化过程中,因气体所做成的变化,除可作为小食外,更可磨成粉末,拌沙拉,汤或意大利粉;更是作奶酪火锅的主要原料. 适合配以淡红酒或玫瑰红酒享用. 种类包括: 法国的波佛特 beaufort 德国的保格克斯 bergkase 英国的车达 cheddar 西班牙的曼彻格 manchego 意大利的帕米其安诺雷斯安诺 parmigiano reggiano 法国的安文达 emmental 加工奶酪 processed cheese 包装奶酪储存期限比一般的奶酪长,通常以一种以上的硬质奶酪混合鲜奶油或牛油而成,有时更混入其他材料如核桃,香草,火腿等加工制成.吃法及种类多种多样,可以夹三明治或薄切于面包上加以烘烤.配以淡红酒或淡白葡萄酒享用,味道甚佳. 奶酪的保存 随着奶酪不断地推陈出新,更需要妥善的储存以保持奶酪的风味和营养.尽量在要食用奶酪时才购买,这样有助于保持奶酪的美味和新鲜度.另外奶酪需要保存于干燥通风的地方,温度在5~10度之间.冰箱生果格就是最佳的选择. 奶酪必须个别包装妥当,以保持其风味,不应将奶酪与生食或未洗干净的食物如蔬菜等放置在一起,可以使用原包装纸,锡箔纸或蜡纸将奶酪包好(建议不要用保鲜纸)或使用塑料盒存放.食用前从冰箱里取出打开包装纸,放于室温至少10分钟,(软及 半硬 奶酪需在室温解冻半小时以上; 而硬奶酪则需在室温解冻1小时)使之回复原有的风味以及滑润口感.尽量在2至3周内吃完.未用完的奶酪可以加以磨碎存放或加热溶解与通心粉拌在一起享用. 奶酪的切法 要想充分品尝奶酪的美味,就要掌握奶酪的正确切法.奶酪的形状往往主宰了奶酪的裁切方式.盛盘上桌时,要尽量确保每一份包括奶酪的**和外皮.一些附有蜡质外层的奶酪必须切除外层才享用.切奶酪的刀子必须保持干净锋利,用力一刀切下,以保持切口整齐俐洛,在欧洲,奶酪制作者们习惯用一种坚硬的丝线来分割.
















